In this program, you will be guided through a series of modalities that will help accelerate your journey to your dream life. We work together for a period of three months, meeting once a week. We will work through the energetic blocks that are holding you back from manifesting what you desire out of life. What yourself transform from the dirt to divine, from coal to shining like a diamond.
Here I use the ancient practice of numerology to dive deep into your soul's blueprint. We will uncover a lot of depth about your personality and purpose, so get ready to reconnect with your truth!
I'm a paragraph. Click here to edit and add your own text. Is easy! Just click on "Edit Text" or "double-click on me" and you can add your own content and change fonts. Am I a great place? For you to tell your story and let your customers know a little more about you.
I'm a paragraph. Click here to edit and add your own text. Is easy! Just click on "Edit Text" or "double-click on me" and you can add your own content and change fonts. Am I a great place? For you to tell your story and let your customers know a little more about you.
In this program, you will be guided through a series of modalities that will help accelerate your journey to your dream life. We work together for a period of three months, meeting once a week. We will work through the energetic blocks that are holding you back from manifesting what you desire out of life. What yourself transform from the dirt to divine, from coal to shining like a diamond.
Here I use the ancient practice of numerology to dive deep into your soul's blueprint. We will uncover a lot of depth about your personality and purpose, so get ready to reconnect with your truth!

Regenerative Healing
Holistic Health, Wellbeing & Transformational Coaching
Sheri Green
is the founder of Regenerative Healing with over 40 years experience as a holistic body, mind and energy healer. She is also an acupuncturist, a facilitator of a myriad of mind-body modalities. With her own 3 month program called Coal to Diamonds, Sherri specializes in transformation as a life coach, as well as a certified oracle, offering soul blueprint readings.
Listen to my Transformational Monologue
where I share my story of finding out I have cancer, and of the healing journey that was ignited
"God made chemo too” are the words I heard at the other end of my phone by my dear friend Saraswati. I had just been diagnosed with stage 3 Ovarian cancer at the end of 2020. I was still in shock! I had been working in the health and healing field for over 40 years, helping people on their journey of healing, also taking care of me the best I could.
It was not easy to meet my denial, fear, helplessness and aloneness but I followed my intuition and kept listening to my guidance. My dreams were also showing me direction and clarity as well.
For me, Cancer was a huge wakeup and a powerful catalyst to change my life and come to a deep new embrace of my body, mind and soul. I was to bridge western medicine and the amazing healing modalities to assist me in my own healing and transformation. I’ve been there and I am available to help you or your loved one.
“Never before has anyone been able to get to the deep roots of my challenges and given me hope that true healing is possible.”
“… unexpected release of core beliefs, which reversed chronic migraines, and empowered me beyond my wildest imagination.”
"Sheri moved me out of being "stuck" in illness to lifting me into wellness ..."